Paraeducator Certification Level II Course begins on October 2

Great Prairie has a renewal credit course starting soon that is specially designed for paraeducators in the Area of Special Education. This class is worth 3 credits, which is what paras need to renew their certifications. The cost is $180.00 and registration ends September 25th. Let know if you need assistance with registering.

  Virtual Class Times
10/02/2023  05:00:00 PM  - 09:00:00 PM
10/09/2023  05:00:00 PM  - 09:00:00 PM
10/14/2023  08:00:00 AM  - 04:30:00 PM
10/16/2023  05:00:00 AM  - 09:00:00 AM

#160683 GP - Paraeducator Course III: Behavior Improvement (LAR)

For more information about the para certification courses, check out