We at the Family & Educator Partnership want to remind you that we are here for you and the families you serve, Birth to 21. Building partnerships early creates the foundation for family and child success. Together, we can facilitate collaboration, communication, and problem-solving between the family and school. Visit our FEP page on the GPAEA website for more information and resources, or visit https://www.gpaea.org/families/family-educator-partnership/. Watch for our bi-monthly FEP Newsletter. Please let us know if we can be of assistance.
- Annette Clarahan, Family Coordinator
641-682-8591 or 800-622-0027 Ext. 5517
Regions 1-3 - Kelly Wallace, Family Coordinator
641-682-8591 or 800-622-0027 Ext. 3034
Regions 4 -6