Read more about Iowa's College and Career Readiness descriptors
Future Ready Iowa is an initiative to build Iowa’s talent pipeline, led by Governor Kim Reynolds and the Future Ready Alliance.
Why Do We Need the Future Ready Iowa Initiative?
Education or training beyond high school has become the new minimum threshold for Americans to earn a living wage and attain middle class status. In 1973, only 28 percent of U.S. jobs required education beyond a high school diploma; by 2025, almost two out of three jobs in the nation are projected to require at least some postsecondary education or training.
Future Ready Iowa is not a brand new program but rather a collaborative approach to highlighting best practices, nurturing high-quality partnerships, and ensuring hardworking taxpayer dollars are focused on those areas that will maximize progress toward our goal.
Visit the Future Ready Iowa website to learn more!
Department of Education - Career & Tech Education
Great Prairie AEA RPP 15 Information
Great Prairie AEA RPP 16 Information
Iowa AEA's Core Drivers
In order for students to be informed and engaged citizens that are able to independently navigate school, life and be successful in their chosen careers, districts can embed evidence based practices found within the five drivers.
Explore the resources below to begin developing Future Ready learners in your school!
Learner Agency
Learners will develop a sense of ownership and control of their learning by having choice, autonomy, and responsibility in their learning community.
How can we increase learner engagement?
- EXPLORE: District Career & Academic Planning (DCAP) from the Department of Education.
- EXPLORE: The Center to learn about competency-based education that leverages learner-centered and personalized pathways.
- WATCH/SUBSCRIBE: Investing in Student Pathways to Strengthen Local Economies from where presenters share how innovative approaches lead to stronger community collaboration, teacher engagement, and student success.
Life Skills
Learners will develop behaviors and skills (non-academic, Universal Construct’s and SEL competencies) so they can independently navigate school, work, and life.
What behaviors and skills can help students navigate school, work, and life?
- EXPLORE: Supporting Mental Health in Iowa Schools from Iowa's Area Education Agencies.
- EXPLORE: Student Data Literacy from the The Center.
- EXPLORE: Social Emotional Learning and Development from The Center.
What standards and competencies are important for students to be successful?
- EXPLORE: Universal Constructs from the Iowa Department of Education.
- EXPLORE: Selecting Evidence-Based Practices and Learning Concepts for ESSA and Beyond from the Iowa Department of Education.
- ANALYZE: The Center Universal Constructs Competency progression charts and teacher resources.
Which frameworks can help all students navigate school, work, and life?
- EXPLORE: Portrait of a Graduate from Battelle for Kids.
- EXPLORE: The Center's work around Portrait of a Graduate.
Successful Transitions
Learners will explore career pathways by setting goals and taking meaningful actions.
Where can I find data about student readiness and success in postsecondary?
- EXPLORE: Iowa PREP Trendlines to see trends among graduates with postsecondary enrollment, retention, and completion.
- EXPLORE: Iowa Student Outcomes to find information related to student success from PK-12 to postsecondary education, to gainful employment.
- EXPLORE: Iowa School Performance Profiles to see public school performance on required measures.
- EXPLORE: Predictors of Postsecondary Success from American Institutes for Research to find the indicators and predictors for at each grade band for success at the next level.
- IDENTIFY: Areas of strength and opportunity by completing the Data Hunt using the tools listed above.
- IDENTIFY: Future Ready Healthy Indicators from Redefining Ready – College, Career, Life that you can track and support to ensure students are prepared for postsecondary success.
How do I assess our current Future Ready Culture?
- TAKE: Future Ready Culture Assessment from GPAEA to measure your building’s current culture.
- EXPLORE: Postsecondary Readiness and Success Engagement Rubric to assess your current district engagement.
- COMPLETE: State AEA Future Ready District Self-Assessment for a detailed dive into all aspects of Future Ready initiatives in your district.
- EXPLORE: ICAP information from the Department of Education outlining the requirements and complete the Analysis Protocol to find areas for growth.
What does it mean to be Future Ready?
- EXPLORE: Iowa’s Career and College Readiness Definition to build awareness of the outcomes of successful graduates.
- EXPLORE: Future Ready Iowa to learn about initiatives and resources from the state to support Future Ready Iowans.
- EXPLORE: Portrait of a Graduate Re-imagine your graduates and take steps to make that vision a reality with a strategic action plan.
- SIGN UP: College and Career Readiness Academy to engage in courses that help schools and districts develop practices that lead to postsecondary success by preparing students for education beyond high school.
- WATCH: Success in the New Economy to understand how to secure a competitive advantage in the new economy.
What are the transition skills students most need?
- EXPLORE: The 10 Best Jobs of the Future and How to Get Them to learn about the skills that employers are looking for now.
- EXPLORE: America Succeeds is connecting the Durable Skills employers are demanding with how students are being prepared in classrooms.
How can I embed transition skills into my classroom?
- EXPLORE: ICAP Resource Tool to find lessons and experiences that support Future Ready initiatives.
- EXPLORE: ICAN Resources to find materials that support planning, applying, paying for and succeeding in high school and beyond.
- EXPLORE: Iowa Work-Based Learning information, toolkits, and resources.
- SHARE : Course to College guide from Iowa College Aid with students and families.
- WATCH/SUBSCRIBE: Iowa Intermediary Network Resources to hear from employers all over the state about career opportunities.
How do we communicate opportunities after graduation to help students find their pathway?
- EXPLORE: Iowa Career Pathway Guides from the Iowa Department of Education.
- EXPLORE: Empowering Students with Equitable Access to Career Experiences to learn about the importance of career conversations and experiences for every child.
- EXPLORE: High School Programs offered by Indian Hills Community College.
- EXPLORE: High School Programs offered by Southeastern Community College.
- SIGN UP: College and Career Readiness Academy to engage in courses that help schools and districts develop practices that lead to postsecondary success by preparing students for education beyond high school.
- SIGN UP: Meaningful Career Conversations workshop professional development.
- IDENTIFY: Key stakeholders in your district that can help build connections and increase student planning.
- WATCH: Transforming the Middle School Experience: A Community Approach to College and Career Readiness for Students in Grades 6-8th from the Association for Career and Technical Education to learn about a strategic plan that focused on exposing middle school students to local opportunities.
Why is the FAFSA important and how do we support students in completing it?
- EXPLORE: Iowa College Aid to learn why completing a FAFSA opens the door for postsecondary enrollment.
- FIND OUT: FAFSA Completion Percentages for your district over time.
- EXPLORE: Course to College from Iowa College Aid for strategies to support Future Ready Iowa goals.
Explore Great Prairie AEA's Secondary Transition resources
High School Registered Apprenticeship Programs
- Shared HSRAP Folder with templates for recruitment and support
- HSRAP Playbook V2.0 to learn more about how the program works
- Iowa Department of Education Work-Based Learning Course Naming and Coding Guidance
Innovation Mindset
Learners will develop habits that lead them to be creative and innovative.
What are the top needs for the future workforce?
- EXPLORE: Get hired this year: 2021’s fastest growing jobs, and the skills you need to get them to find out which skills make the biggest difference today.
- EXPLORE: 20 Fastest Growing Jobs in the next Decade – from, to see the jobs projected to boom, and those projected to fade by 2030.
- READ: LinkedIn Most In-Demand Jobs Right Now (Dec 21) to learn the jobs and skills that are needed today.
How can we support students with the Universal Constructs?
- EXPLORE: Great Prairie AEA's Computer Science webpage.
- EXPLORE: Universal Constructs to foster deeper learning that embeds critical workforce skills.
- EXPLORE: Authentic Learning Network resources.
- EXPLORE: Iowa Clearinghouse for Work-based Learning project boards to select in-depth, work-based learning projects posted by employers that connect with educators’ existing classroom curriculum.
- WATCH: Pivoting to Practice: Making Your Work-Based Learning Experiences Meaningful from the Association for Career and Technical Education to learn about strategies to embed professional skills into the classroom experience.
Rigorous Academic Standards
Learners will master the academic content that enables them to engage with complex issues and ideas.
How is my core supporting Future Ready goals?
- EXPLORE: Predictors of Postsecondary Success from American Institutes for Research to find the indicators and predictors for at each grade band for success at the next level.
- ANALYZE: 3 Keys to Improving Assessments and reflect on how core instruction can support job ready skills and priority standards.
How can I embed future ready concepts into my classroom?
- VISIT: Explore Careers developed by local Sector Boards! Take assessments to find strengths and interests, and explore careers and pathways by sector to learn about opportunities here in our region.
- EXPLORE: Your district’s Career Information System (CIS) to find connections with your classroom instruction.
- CONNECT: With School Counselors to learn about the counseling program and ways you can support it.
What types of careers are in high demand?
- EXPLORE: 20 Fastest Growing Jobs in the next Decade – from, to see the jobs projected to boom, and those projected to fade by 2030.
- READ: LinkedIn Most In-Demand Jobs Right Now (Dec 21) to learn the jobs and skills that are needed today.
- EXPLORE: Occupational Projections to find detailed results about in-demand occupations by industry and region.
How can we provide experiences for students beyond the classroom?
- EXPLORE: Intermediary support from Indian Hills Community College and Southeastern Community College to find opportunities for students to engage with local employers through job shadows, internships, resources, and more.
- EXPLORE: Iowa Work-Based Learning Guide to determine the types of experiences available to students outside of the classroom.
Where do I find willing partners to support and connect with our programs?
- EXPLORE: WBL Clearinghouse to connect students with employers through authentic, shared projects – without any travel!
Which industries are in most need of workers in my region?
- EXPLORE: Occupational Projections to find detailed results about in-demand occupations by industry and region.
- VISIT: Explore Careers developed by local Sector Boards! Take assessments to find strengths and interests, and explore careers and pathways by sector to learn about opportunities here in our region.