A variety of resources are available to support schools and teachers in serving their English learners (ELs) and to improve student learning using research-based practices.
Office of Civil Rights
LAU Plan Guidance
Department of Education Links (the following links are managed by the Department of Education)
Parent Communication Documents for EL Programming
- Transact - Use this website to find documents that communicate to parents about EL programming and assessment in their native language. Please contact Amanda Brink, amanda.brink@gpaea.org if you are unsure of how to locate documents regarding English Language Learners.
ELPA21 Links
- ELPA21 General Information from DE
- About ELPA21
- ELPA21 Portal (For public access to ELPA21 information, practice tests and materials).
- Ed Portal (For secure access to TIDE and ELPA21 Test Administration)
- Test Administration Training
ELP Standards
- Standards Training
- Log In
- Click on Catalog
- Search in Catalog: ELP Standards Module
- ELP Standards Module 1
- ELP Standards Module 2
- ELP Standards Module 3
- ELP Standards Module 4
- ELP Standards Module 5
- ELP Standards Module 6
- ELP Standards
ELL Resources
- Imagine Learning Language and Literacy Information & Ideas
- Rosetta Stone
- Bilingual Resources in GPAEA SNAP Catalog
Title III Funding
Please contact Amanda Brink, amanda.brink@gpaea.org if you are interested in utilizing Title III funding for your English Language Learners
ELL and Common Core
Math ELL Resources
Reading ELL Resources
Science ELL Resources
ELL Network
Language Organizations
Information On Refugees
Important contacts
Staff Directory