Great Prairie AEA provides a variety of free digital resources to support teaching and learning. These videos, images, books, activities, and more are provided to our accredited public and non-public Pre-K—12 schools and can be accessed by students and educators at home or school.
Pre-K-5th Grade
- BookFLIX: An online literacy resource that pairs fictional video storybooks with related nonfiction books. Read-aloud feature provides accessibility to all readers.
- Britannica ImageQuest: NEW for 2022-23
- Britannica School: A general topic encyclopedia, including the Fundamentals section for PreK-2 learners.
- CultureGrams: An insider’s perspective on daily life and culture, including the history, customs, and lifestyles of the world’s people.
- CyberSmarts: This interactive eBook collection offers users a safe, simulated Internet experience with hands-on instruction on how to deal with important online safety issues.
- EBSCO NoveList K-8 Plus: Reading recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction, for students in grades K-8. Use it to find just the right books for every reader.
- ePoint Books: A collection of over 1,000 high-interest nonfiction eBooks for all grade levels. Some titles are also available in Spanish.
- FreedomFLIX: Provides 60+ multimedia units on U.S. and world history.
- Gale in Context - Elementary: Information about all kinds of topics for younger learners.
- Learn360: A comprehensive library of educational videos, video clips, images, audio files, newsreels, speeches, self-paced STEM tutorials, learning games, and other teacher resources. **Using this link will not allow educators and students to access any saved content or playlists created on the campus Learn360
- MackinVIA (PreK-12): A portal with hundreds of eBook and audiobook titles available, including fiction and nonfiction for all grade levels. Many titles have text-to-speech capabilities. **You will need a building-specific login for this resource. If you need assistance with this, please contact GPAEA Librarian, Lindy Harmon.
- PebbleGo: Informational articles, ready-made activities, and literacy supports for students of all abilities.
- PebbleGo Next: NEW for 2022-23
- PowerKnowledge Earth & Space Science: Features articles, videos, interactive games, and ideas for hands-on science activities on topics including earth cycles; ecosystems and biomes; energy and matter; landforms; maps; natural disasters; rocks and minerals; environmental issues; the scientific method; space; water; and weather and climate.
- PowerKnowledge Life Science (3-6): Features articles, videos, interactive games, and ideas for hands-on science activities on topics including animals; classification; endangered and extinct species; food chains and food webs; green living; habitats and ecosystems; the human body; life cycles; plants; and survival and adaptation.
- PowerKnowledge Physical Science (3-6): Features articles, videos, interactive games, and ideas for hands-on science activities on topics including atoms and molecules; elements and the periodic table; energy and matter; force and motion; and temperature and measurement.
- ScienceFLIX: Provides 60+ complete units, through movies, interactive features, varied text features, and hands-on activities.
- Soundzabound: Licensed audio that can be used without copyright infringement in videos, podcasts, and other forms of multimedia.
- TrueFLIX: Combines Scholastic True Books social studies and science content with reading supports and a deep and diverse collection of related videos, images, Web links, and text.
6th - 8th Grade
- AEA Digital Library: Digital curriculum resources from leading producers of PreK-12 content. Current resources include physical science, life science, and financial literacy.
- American History in Video: American History in Video includes 2,000 total hours of streaming video content. More than half is contemporaneous video from the 1890s to the 1980s. The early newsreels, including the complete series of United Newsreel and Universal Newsreel, available online in their entirety only in this collection, capture history as it was made and reported to viewers of the time.
- BookFLIX: An online literacy resource that pairs fictional video storybooks with related nonfiction books. Read-aloud feature provides accessibility to all readers.
- Britannica ImageQuest: NEW for 2022-23
- Britannica School: A suite of products, including general encyclopedias designed to support student research and classroom instruction. Versions also in French, Japanese, and Spanish.
- Core Concepts: NEW for 2022-23
- CultureGrams: An insider’s perspective on daily life and culture, including the history, customs, and lifestyles of the world’s people.
- CyberSmarts/Teen Cybersmarts: This interactive eBook collection offers users a safe, simulated Internet experience with hands-on instruction on how to deal with important online safety issues.
- EBSCO AP Newsroom: Captures the greatest events in history and brings them to life with photographs, audio sound bites, graphics, and text from the Associated Press.
- EBSCO Explora Secondary: Simple search that quickly delivers relevant results including articles, essays, and primary source documents.
- EBSCO History Reference Center: Covering both U.S. and world history topics, this is a full-text database featuring historical reference books, magazines, journals, and thousands of primary source documents.
- EBSCO Literary Reference Center Plus: A literary database covering all genres and timeframes. It includes thousands of full-text poems, short stories, synopses, critical essays, literary journals, reference books, and author biographies, plus lesson plans and literary study guides.
- EBSCO NoveList K-8 Plus: Reading recommendations for both fiction and nonfiction, for kids in grades K-8. Use it to find just the right books for every reader.
- EBSCO Poetry & Short Story Reference Center: A full-text database of hundreds of thousands of classic and contemporary poems, plus thousands of short stories, biographies, essays, lesson plans, and learning guides. It also includes high-quality videos and audio recordings from the Academy of American Poets and other sources.
- EBSCO Points of View Reference Center: Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues, and develop analytical thinking skills.
- EBSCO Science Reference Center: Contains full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, encyclopedias, reference books, and a vast collection of images.
- ePoint Books: A collection of over 1,000 high-interest nonfiction eBooks for all grade levels. Some titles are also available in Spanish.
- FreedomFLIX: Provides 60+ multimedia units on U.S. and world history.
- Gale in Context: Middle School: An eResource research package offering content from magazines, newspapers, and reference materials. **No username or password required, but users will select their school from the drop-down menu
- Learn360: A comprehensive library of educational videos, video clips, images, audio files, newsreels, speeches, STEM tutorials, learning games, and other teacher resources. **Using this link will not allow educators and students to access any saved content or playlists created on the campus Learn360
- MackinVIA (PreK-12): A portal with hundreds of eBook and audiobook titles available, including fiction and nonfiction for all grade levels. Many titles have text-to-speech capabilities. **You will need a building-specific login for this resource. If you need assistance with this, please contact GPAEA Librarian, Lindy Harmon.
- PowerKnowledge Earth & Space Science: Features articles, videos, interactive games, and ideas for hands-on science activities on topics including earth cycles; ecosystems and biomes; energy and matter; landforms; maps; natural disasters; rocks and minerals; environmental issues; the scientific method; space; water; and weather and climate.
- PowerKnowledge Life Science (3-6): Features articles, videos, interactive games, and ideas for hands-on science activities on topics including animals; classification; endangered and extinct species; food chains and food webs; green living; habitats and ecosystems; the human body; life cycles; plants; and survival and adaptation.
- PowerKnowledge Physical Science (3-6): Features articles, videos, interactive games, and ideas for hands-on science activities on topics including atoms and molecules; elements and the periodic table; energy and matter; force and motion; and temperature and measurement.
- ScienceFLIX (4-12): Provides 60+ complete units, through movies, interactive features, varied text features, and hands-on activities.
- SIRS Issue Researcher: Exploration of the origins, perspectives, and questions under debate on over 300 social issues.
- Soundzabound: Licensed audio that can be used without copyright infringement in videos, podcasts, and other forms of multimedia.
- TrueFLIX: Combines Scholastic True Books social studies and science content with reading supports and a deep and diverse collection of related videos, images, Web links, and text.
9th - 12th Grade
- AEA Digital Library: Digital curriculum resources from leading producers of preK-12 content. Current resources include physical science, life science, and financial literacy.
- American History in Video: American History in Video includes 2,000 total hours of streaming video content. More than half is contemporaneous video from the 1890s to the 1980s. The early newsreels, including the complete series of United Newsreel and Universal Newsreel, available online in their entirety only in this collection, capture history as it was made and reported to viewers of the time.
- BookFLIX: An online literacy resource that pairs fictional video storybooks with related nonfiction books. Read-aloud feature provides accessibility to all readers.
- Britannica ImageQuest: NEW for 2022-23
- Britannica School: A suite of products, including general encyclopedias designed to support student research and classroom instruction. Versions also in French, Japanese, and Spanish.
- Core Concepts: NEW for 2022-23
- CultureGrams: An insider’s perspective on daily life and culture, including the history, customs, and lifestyles of the world’s people.
- CyberSmarts/Teen Cybersmarts: This interactive eBook collection offers users a safe, simulated Internet experience with hands-on instruction on how to deal with important online safety issues.
- EBSCO AP Newsroom: Captures the greatest events in history and brings them to life with photographs, audio sound bites, graphics, and text from the Associated Press.
- EBSCO Explora Secondary: Simple search that quickly delivers relevant results including articles, essays, and primary source documents.
- EBSCO History Reference Center: Covering both U.S. and world history topics, this is a full-text database featuring historical reference books, magazines, journals, and thousands of primary source documents.
- EBSCO Literary Reference Center Plus: A literary database covering all genres and timeframes. It includes thousands of full-text poems, short stories, synopses, critical essays, literary journals, reference books, and author biographies, plus lesson plans and literary study guides.
- EBSCO NoveList Plus: Helping readers of all ages find just the right book to read, this comprehensive source of popular and professional book information includes expert recommendations, reviews, articles, lists, and more.
- EBSCO Poetry & Short Story Reference Center: A full-text database of hundreds of thousands of classic and contemporary poems, plus thousands of short stories, biographies, essays, lesson plans, and learning guides. It also includes high-quality videos and audio recordings from the Academy of American Poets and other sources.
- EBSCO Points of View Reference Center: Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues, and develop analytical thinking skills.
- EBSCO Science Reference Center: Contains full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, encyclopedias, reference books, and a vast collection of images.
- ePoint Books: A collection of over 1,000 high-interest nonfiction eBooks for all grade levels. Some titles are also available in Spanish.
- FreedomFLIX: Provides 60+ multimedia units on U.S. and world history.
- Gale: Academic OneFile: An eResource research package offering content from magazines, newspapers, and reference materials. **No username or password required, but users will select their school from the drop-down menu
- Learn360: A comprehensive library of educational videos, video clips, images, audio files, newsreels, speeches, STEM tutorials, learning games, and other teacher resources. **Using this link will not allow educators and students to access any saved content or playlists created on the campus Learn360
- MackinVIA (PreK-12): A portal with hundreds of eBook and audiobook titles available, including fiction and nonfiction for all grade levels. Many titles have text-to-speech capabilities. **You will need a building-specific login for this resource. If you need assistance with this, please contact GPAEA Librarian, Lindy Harmon.
- PowerKnowledge Earth & Space Science: Features articles, videos, interactive games, and ideas for hands-on science activities on topics including earth cycles; ecosystems and biomes; energy and matter; landforms; maps; natural disasters; rocks and minerals; environmental issues; the scientific method; space; water; and weather and climate.
- PowerKnowledge Life Science (3-6): Features articles, videos, interactive games, and ideas for hands-on science activities on topics including animals; classification; endangered and extinct species; food chains and food webs; green living; habitats and ecosystems; the human body; life cycles; plants; and survival and adaptation.
- PowerKnowledge Physical Science (3-6): Features articles, videos, interactive games, and ideas for hands-on science activities on topics including atoms and molecules; elements and the periodic table; energy and matter; force and motion; and temperature and measurement.
- ScienceFLIX (4-12): Provides 60+ complete units, through movies, interactive features, varied text features, and hands-on activities.
- SIRS Issue Researcher: Exploration of the origins, perspectives, and questions under debate on over 300 social issues.
- Soundzabound: Licensed audio that can be used without copyright infringement in videos, podcasts, and other forms of multimedia.
- Teen Health & Wellness: Provides students with nonjudgmental, straightforward information on today’s teen health and wellness issues.
- TrueFLIX: Combines Scholastic True Books social studies and science content with reading supports and a deep and diverse collection of related videos, images, Web links, and text.
Some resources will require a school building username/password. If you need help with your login, please contact your district’s teacher-librarian or GPAEA Librarian, Lindy Harmon.
- EBSCO AP Newsroom: Captures the greatest events in history and brings them to life with photographs, audio sound bites, graphics, and text from the Associated Press.
- EBSCO History Reference Center: Covering both U.S. and world history topics, this is a full-text database featuring historical reference books, magazines, journals, and thousands of primary source documents.
- EBSCO H.W. Wilson Core Collections: Provides impartial, authoritative guides to help teachers and teacher-librarians build and maintain well-rounded collections of the most highly recommended reference, nonfiction, and fiction books for K-12 students.
- EBSCO Literary Reference Center Plus: A literary database covering all genres and timeframes. It includes thousands of full-text poems, short stories, synopses, critical essays, literary journals, reference books, and author biographies, plus lesson plans and literary study guides.
- EBSCO NoveList Plus: Helping readers of all ages find just the right book to read, this comprehensive source of popular and professional book information includes expert recommendations, reviews, articles, lists, and more.
- EBSCO Poetry & Short Story Reference Center: A full-text database of hundreds of thousands of classic and contemporary poems, plus thousands of short stories, biographies, essays, lesson plans, and learning guides. It also includes high-quality videos and audio recordings from the Academy of American Poets and other sources.
- EBSCO Points of View Reference Center: Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides rich content that can help students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues, and develop analytical thinking skills.
- EBSCO Science Reference Center: Contains full text for hundreds of science magazines, journals, encyclopedias, reference books, and a vast collection of images.
- EBSCO Teacher Reference Center: Provides indexing and abstracts for 280 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators.
- Gale: Educator’s Reference Complete: Periodical database that covers multiple levels of education and every educational specialty, such as technology, bilingual education, health education, and testing, and provides insight on issues in administration, funding, and policy. **No username or password required, but users will select their school from the drop-down menu
- (PreK-12): Collections of author video interviews, book readings, teaching resources, and lesson plans to support student reading skills and interests.
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