Great Prairie AEA offers transition services to assist schools, students, and families in the preparation that needs to be made for post-secondary living, learning, and working in the community. The goal of transition planning is to make the adjustment from high school to life in the community as easy and successful as possible.
GPAEA Resources
- Transition Planning Checklist
- GPAEA Secondary Transition 2024-2025 Bulletin
- GPAEA Secondary Transition 2023-2024 Bulletin
Iowa Department of Education - Secondary Transition
The skills necessary to live as independently as possible include the areas of self-care/hygiene, financial literacy, mobility, recreation/leisure, health/fitness, safety, interpersonal relationships, personal safety, community living.
- GPAEA Independent Living Skills Checklist
- Casey Life Skills Assessment
- Iowa Model / 10 Areas of Critical Need for Transition Assessment
- Community Based Skills Assessment: Developing a Personalized Transition Plan
Resources & Tools
- Independent Living at the Age of Majority
- Transition Iowa
- Iowa Association of Community Providers (Family resources about HCBS waivers, Community Resource Providers, Graduation Requirements)
- Iowa Secondary Transition Learning Community: Webinars and calendar of events
- Iowa Compass
- Transition Coalition (trainings, tools, assessments and resources)
- National Center on Secondary Education & Transition
- Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit
- Pacer Center - Transitioning to Life After High School
- Self-Determination/Self-Advocacy Mental Health Resources
- Driver's Practice Test
- Youthhood
The skills and needs in the areas of academics, technology, communication, behavior, adaptive behavior, vision, hearing, learning styles, self-determination, self-advocacy, physical needs that impact the learning environment.
- A Guide to Assessing College Readiness
- Iowa Model / 10 Areas of Critical Need for Transition Assessment
- Community Based Skills Assessment: Developing a Personalized Transition Plan
Resources & Tools
- Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Ottumwa Job Corps
- Transition Iowa
- Iowa Association of Community Providers
- Iowa Secondary Transition Learning Community
- Iowa Compass
- Transition Coalition (trainings, tools, assessments and resources)
- National Center on Secondary Education & Transition
- Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit
- Pacer Center - Transitioning to Life After High School
- Technology Resources for Access and Instruction
- College and Career Competency Framework
College Related Information
- College Affordability Guide & Information
- Health Resource Center at the National Youth Transitions Center
- ACT Accommodations
- SAT & ACT Accommodation Info
- College Search
- Iowa College Access Network
- Postsecondary Education Exploration / Preparation
- Guide to IEP vs College Accommodations
- Iowa Community Colleges-Developmental Classes
- Online Resources for College Students with Disabilities
The skills and needs in the areas of employability, career interests, soft skills, classroom behavior, adaptive behavior, and physical needs that impact the working environment.
- O*Net Career Exploration Tools
- Classroom to Workplace Rating Scale
- Zarrow Center (TAGG, Self Determination Scales, Preference Indicators)
- Community Based Skills Assessment: Developing a Personalized Transition Plan
- Iowa Model / 10 Areas of Critical Need for Transition Assessment
- Employability Skills 6-8th Grade Rubric
- Employability Skills 9-12th Grade Rubric
- O*Net Resource Center (My Next Move)
- Career One Stop
- Career Coach
- Workplace Readiness Rating Scale
Resources & Tools
- Skills to Pay the Bills (soft skills)
- Iowa Work Based Learning
- Iowa Internship Toolkit
- Iowa Intermediary Network
- Future Ready Iowa for High School Students
- Iowa Clearinghouse
- Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS)
- Zarrow Center: Education Resources
- Employment First
- Workforce Innovation Opportunities Act (WIOA)
- The Career Index
- Iowa Workforce Development
- Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- Ottumwa Job Corps
- Social Security Disability Benefit Planning Ticket To Work Flyer
- TransCen (Career & Workforce Development)
- Transition Iowa
- Iowa Association of Community Providers
- Iowa Secondary Transition Learning Community
- Iowa Compass
- Transition Coalition
- National Center on Secondary Education & Transition
- Autism Speaks Transition Tool Kit
- Pacer Center - Transitioning to Life After High School
- Iowa Workforce Youth Development
- Explore Work
- Ag Explorer
- Roadtrip Nation
- Career Videos - Dr. Kit
Work Experience Information
- Non-Paid Work Agreement
- Paid Work Agreement
- Sample Training Agreement
- Attendance Sheet
- Driver's Permission
- Job site Log
- Work Experience Application
Iowa Work Based Learning Industry Toolkits
- Authentic Project Experiences Toolkit
- Career Immersion Experience Toolkit
- Career-Based Service Learning Toolkit
- Classroom Speaker Toolkit
- Developing Professional Skills in CTE Toolkit
- Informational Interview Toolkit
- Interactive Career Event Toolkit
- Job Shadow Toolkit
- Mock Interview Toolkit
- Professional Skills Workshop Toolkit
- School-Based Enterprise Toolkit
- Worksite Exploratory Event Toolkit
- Work-Based Learning - Iowa Department of Education
- Child Labor Laws
4+ Guidance
Guardianship & Conservatorship
- ISTLC Decision Making Services and Supports
- ISTLC webinar: Guardianship & Conservatorship
- Disability Rights Iowa zoom: Individual Rights and Substitute Decision Making
- Supported Decision Making Guide